Mindiverse Live Stream 曼谛悟思直播 (deprecated 页面已过期)

Mindiverse has been organizing offline events and put the playback videos (in the future, also live stream) on YouTube, but offline events are still confined to the local area; to benefit more people with the message of Meditation and inner exploration, Mindiverse will deliver regular online livestream events in English and Chinese, to interact people from all over the world.

曼谛悟思一直在组织线下活动,并录像放到了 YouTube 上 (未来会直播线下活动);但是线下活动只是局限在当地,无法跟更多的人互动;为了能更好的传播正念和引导更多人去内心世界的探索,曼谛悟思将会定期推出在线的活动,语音是中文或者英文,来更全球的朋友进行一些互动和交流。

直播平台 Platforms for live stream

如果想跟 Mindiverse 曼谛悟思互动,请访问以下平台来观看直播。

If you would like to communicate with Mindiverse, please visit one of the platforms below to watch the live stream.

Platform 平台 Language 语言
曼谛悟思YouTube Mandarin Chinese 中文
Mindiverse YouTube English 英语

每次直播活动会发布在 Mindiverse Events上。
