Wework Oct.10: Mind Care and Detoxication

This event is coorganized by Mindiverse and WeWork Amsterdam.

Mindiverse provides the mindfulness practice session and WeWork Amsterdam provides the detoxication drinks and venue.

Mind care & Mindfulness

Mind Care via Mindfulness

Mental health matters to everyone, because that is the precondition leading to a happy life. Modern life is fraught with information and influences. People are facing all kinds of mental challenges: stress at work, disturbance from all kinds of uncertainties, pernicious comments and microaggressions, confusion about their life purposes, negativity, procrastination, overthinking, you name it.

In reality, being happy and staying positive requires proper mental skills and correct understanding of how the mind works. A healthy mind matters most, doesn’t it? Fortunately, we can gradually pick up these mental skills via mindfulness practice with dedicated efforts, in spite of all kinds of hypes about mindfulness. Via meditation, we observe the mind in stillness, train our mind to be present, gradually and thoroughly understanding how the mind works and why compassion matters. As a result, everyone will be able to understand themselves truly and find a solution to their own mental challenges.

In this session organized by Mindiverse, let’s practise mindfulness together. This event is for everyone. For beginners, they will pick up the meditation techniques; for everyone, they will reflect on some philosophical points relevant to their life under the guidance. Mind you, don’t expect to solve all your issues from a single session. Spiritual growth needs your effort, patience and dedication.

Topic: Be present, stay healthy!

Fees: Free, but you need to dedicate your time to this spiritual growth session.

Time&Date: 1 – 2 PM (after lunch, so you have enough energy), October 10.

WeWork Event Link: Click here

Duration: 1H


  1. A 2-minute anonymous questionnaire/survey: link (You could fill it in now, if you want)
  2. Meditation technique teaching + guided meditation
  3. A philosophical but convivial discussion around the topic “be present” combining the questionnaire/survey.
  4. Guided meditation to end the session so that everyone leaves with peace and calm.
  5. WeWork Detoxication with healthy drinks.
Mindiverse regularly organizes free events, if you are interested in it, please check out Mindfulness Amsterdam Meetup If you have any questions about mindfulness, please contact via email: [email protected]

About Mindiverse

Mindiverse (https://mindiver.se) focuses on mindfulness and modern spiritual growth to improve people’s wellbeing and contribute to a healthy mind. Mindiverse has been organizing free mindfulness events since last year Mindfulness Amsterdam Meetup. All events combine mindfulness practice and philosophy. The attendees include academics, programmers, creatives, business people and students. Also, Mindiverse provides training service including personal mindfulness training (1 to 1 or a small group, 9 weeks), customized company mindfulness training, customized transcultural communication for international companies and mindfulness-based leadership training.

About lecturers:

Cico Zhang is a mindfulness practitioner, philosopher of human minds; computer scientist (artificial intelligence) and mathematician. He tackles mindfulness via Buddhist philosophy, neurophilosophy and neural science but without abstruse terms. He hopes to help more people get on with mindfulness; via mindfulness, he expects more and more people could understand the nature of human minds and find solutions to their own challenges.

Joyce Liu is also a mindfulness practitioner, writer and journalist. She would like to pass on the wholesome energy to more people via her writing and expression.